My Story
Christen Walcher, founder of The Home Remedy
I had always thought of myself as pretty healthy: I went to the doctor for my annual checkup; I wasn’t overweight and had regular blood pressure; I rarely caught the flu. I thought the symptoms I experienced were normal, just part of life.
My period pain was debilitating. My cramps were so bad they would make me vomit; I would have to leave work or class to go home and lay in my bed curled in the fetal position for a day, sometimes two.
I had heart palpitations. My mom said the “flip flop heart” just ran in the family.
I had tinnitus, which I chalked up to my college years spent on the front row at rock concerts.
My nose ran and my eyes watered most of the day; I always had a crumpled tissue in my pocket.
I dreaded the sound of the alarm in the morning because I never felt like I had gotten enough sleep. I struggled to get to work on time because I hit the snooze button until the last possible minute. I couldn’t imagine a morning where I felt rested when the sun was just coming up.
These may seem like minor complaints, and they really are compared to what so many others experience. But it wasn’t until I began making subtle changes to my lifestyle and my routine and all these symptoms went away that I realized how much better I could have been feeling, and that these symptoms didn’t have to exist for me.
I am establishing a more consistent morning and evening routine, carving out more time for movement and meditation, and cleaning up my diet and the products I used both on my body and in my home. I am making energetic changes to my home that make it a place of nurturance and support. I use present tense here because they are not actions I did once or already perfected. Wellness is a daily journey; I am continuously applying new knowledge to my own life.
Now my periods are regular, light, and painless. I no longer have heart palpitations, tinnitus, or allergies. And while I still have occasional bouts of insomnia, I can pinpoint the events that trigger them and wake up with the sun most mornings feeling energized, and that energy lasts me through the day.
What got me here? What propelled me forward to make these changes?
My life’s work, since childhood, has been rooted in my Christian faith that expresses itself in a drive to better care for the earth, others, my family, and myself. This spurred a deep curiosity around what drives our health and how to be a helper to others.
The Care Bears themselves couldn’t have built a better resume, working the past twenty years for organizations called “Interfaith Care Alliance”, “The Samaritan Center for Counseling and Pastoral Care”, “Texans Care for Children”, “The Children and Families Council”, “The Center to Eliminate Health Disparities”, “The Center for Global Health Education”, and “The Department of Family Medicine”.
And yet, it has not been my education or work experience that has shaped my life the most or that has helped me help myself. My true superpower is manifesting and visioning the life I want to have and the way I want to feel. My jobs, home, husband, hobbies, and travels all started as doodles, prayers, and wish lists.
But let me be clear. My symptoms did not go away because I wished them away. They went away without my even noticing at first, the more I deeply desired and leaned about how to care for myself. It has been a continuous process of examining and refining, accumulating and letting go, making small changes, and biting small pieces off the next big goal.
Unlocking the beauty and potential of this process is what I want to share with you on your wellness journey, dear reader.
Who we Can Help
Whether you experience high levels of stress, poor sleep quality, metabolic and gut issues, allergies, or hormonal imbalance, there are many ways to make your home healthier and more harmonious room-by-room and sense-by-sense, guided by modern scientific evidence as well as ancient healing wisdom. A healing home makeover can benefit you if you…
Have been recently diagnosed with insulin resistance or diabetes and don’t know where to begin making the lifestyle changes your doctor recommends. You want to feel in control and capable of regaining your health, surrounded by products that nourish in a space that makes the healthy choice the easy choice.
Are a couple seeking to enhance their relationship. You want to feel fulfilled, heard, connected, and embraced by a space that puts your love first.
Are a hustler, a juggler, a (single) mom or dad, a wearer of many hats who can’t sleep at night even though you need rest more than anyone. You are tired of feeling stressed, exhausted, anxious, and out of touch with yourself. You are afraid that your health is beginning to fail. You want to feel energetic, well-rested, focused, calm, and connected to your highest and best self through compassion. You want a space that helps you get back touch with what makes you come alive.
Are a peri-menopausal or menopausal woman who wants to embrace this change in life naturally, but you find self-nurturing difficult given your busy schedule and responsibilities caring for teens, grandchildren, elderly parents, spouses. You want to feel energetic, beautiful, and that your cup is full so you are equipped to give to others. You want a peaceful, organized home that supports a good night’s rest and a quiet mind and that creates a space to dream about and open up to the next phase of life.
Let The Home Remedy help shine a light on your path to wellness.
About Me
Christen Walcher, MPAff, BSW
I am a totally average girl (still) on her way to awesomeness. It’s a daily journey, right? I’m a wife and a mom to two elementary schoolers, a hamster, and lots of plants.
I began studying the factors that influence our health and wellbeing almost twenty years ago. Working for small nonprofits as well as a large academic medical center, I noticed that addressing the “social determinants of health”, the upstream societal and environmental drivers of health, is difficult to do at an institutional level.
This inspired me to find a way to help individuals identify and transform the root causes of poor health in their own lives in a way that is personal, impactful, and downright beautiful.
I am currently a student in the Holistic Wellness Pathway Program at Hill College pursuing board certifications in Health and Wellness Coaching, Holistic Nutrition, and Herbalism.
I received my Bachelor of Social Work and Master of Public Affairs degrees from the University of Texas at Austin.
In my spare time, I love accompanying my husband on sailing adventures in Galveston Bay, pretending to be animals with my kids, campfire sing-alongs and costume parties with my cousins, and being the one girl out there burning up the dance floor at someone’s wedding.